Klövern’s Annual Report 2004 in English
Klövern’s Annual Report for 2004 in English can now be read on the website. It is in the process of being printed and a printed copy of the annual report can be ordered via Klövern’s website kelly.corem.se.
Nyköping, 29 March 2005
Klövern AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Gustaf Hermelin, CEO, tel +46-(0)155-44 33 10, +46-(0)70-560 00 00 gustaf.hermelin@klovern.se
Anders Lundquist, CFO, tel +46-(0)155-44 33 20, +46-(0)70-528 43 33 anders.lundquist@klovern.se
Britt-Marie Einar, Corporate Communications Officer, tel +46-(0)155-44 33 12,
+46-(0)70-224 29 35, britt-marie.einar@klovern.se