Klövern – major letting to the City of Västerås
The completion of the new sport facility at the property Gustavsvik 13 will provide greater opportunities for sporting activities in Västerås, both during the day and the evening. The focus will be on floorball, although the hall will also be able to be used by other sports such a table tennis, martial arts and archery. During the day, it will be used as a training hall for schools in Västerås as well as for various types of arrangements. The facility is expected to be completed in October 2009 and the investment is calculated to SEK 15 million.
“It is pleasing to be able to contribute to improved opportunities for the inhabitants of Västerås in general, and for school students in Västerås in particular, to be able to take part in more sport. At the same time, Klövern will have a stable, long-term tenant”, says Klövern’s CEO Gustaf Hermelin.
Nyköping, 12 June 2009
Klövern AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Gustaf Hermelin, CEO, tel +46 155-44 33 10, +46 70-560 00 00, gustaf.hermelin@klovern.se
Caesar Åfors, CFO and vice President, tel +46 155-44 33 02, +46 70-662 48 48, caesar.afors@klovern.se
Britt-Marie Einar, Finance and Information Manager, tel +46 155-44 33 12, +46 70-224 29 35,
Klövern is a real estate company committed to working closely with customers to meet their needs of premises and services in Swedish growth regions. Klövern has business units in ten cities: Borås, Karlstad, Kista, Linköping, Norrköping, Nyköping, Täby, Uppsala, Västerås and Örebro. As at 31 March 2009, the value of the properties totalled approximately SEK 11.9 billion and the rental income on an annual basis is approximately SEK 1.4 billion. The Klövern share is listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm, medium-sized companies.
Klövern AB (publ), Box 1024, SE-611 29 Nyköping, Sweden. Tel +46 155-44 33 00, Fax +46 155-44 33 22.
Corporate registration no. 556482-5833. Registered office: Nyköping. Website: kelly.corem.se