Klövern: Interim Report January – March 2004
Rental revenues amounted to SEKm 105 (65)
Profit after taxes amounted to SEKm 27 (13)
Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.35 (0.30)
Klövern is established in a new market after acquisition of properties in Borås for SEKm 215.
For the period, profit after taxes amounted to SEKm 27 (13) *1). Gains from sales of properties account for SEKm 4 (3) of the profit. The operating surplus was SEKm 61 (36). Net financial items were SEKm – 31 (-23).
Cash flow and financial position
The cash flow amounted to SEKm 8 (24). The equity ratio at the end of the period was 33.0 (27.0) percent, equivalent to 34.3 percent (28.5) after dilution. Shareholders’ equity was SEKm 1,191 (908) as of March 31, 2004, liquid funds were SEKm 219 (211) and interest-bearing liabilities at the same point in time was SEKm 2,257 (2,316).
Revenue and property costs
Rental revenues amounted to SEKm 105 (65) for the period and property costs amounted to SEKm 44 (29), making the operating surplus SEKm 61 (36).
Property sales
Two properties where sold for a total of SEKm 28 (39) during the period, resulting in capital gains of SEKm 4 (3).
Schedule of financial reporting
Interim Report January – June 2004 Friday August 20
Interim Report January – September 2004 Wednesday November 3
Reports are available at Klövern’s website, kelly.corem.se, where visitors may also subscribe to interim reports and press releases.
This interim report has not been subject to examination by the Company’s auditors.
Nyköping, May 5, 2004
Klövern AB (publ)
Gustaf Hermelin
President & CEO
*1) Values in parentheses are comparative data, which for profit data refer to the period January – March 2003 and for balance sheet data and financing to December 31, 2003.
The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link: