Klövern AB: Klövern increases its holding in Tobin Properties by subscription of shares in share issue with pre-emption rights for existing shareholders
Klövern AB (publ), reg. no 556482-5833, (“Klövern”) has through its indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary Dagon Sverige AB, reg. no 556473-1213, (“Dagon”) subscribed for shares in Tobin Properties AB (publ), reg. no 556733-4379, (“Tobin Properties”), through the share issue with pre-emption rights for existing shareholders of approximately SEK 409 million which has been completed by Tobin Properties. The subscription period for participation in the share issue ended on 22 May 2019. Dagon has committed to guarantee the share issue up to 100 per cent. As of today on 27 May 2019, Tobin Properties announced the outcome in the share issue which showed that the share issue is fully subscribed, of which 77,912,412 ordinary shares were subscribed through subscription rights.
Before registration of the share issue, Dagon owns approximately 86.7 per cent of the share capital and approximately 88.5 per cent of the votes in Tobin Properties, corresponding to 36,311,225 ordinary shares and 18,378 Class A preference shares.
Dagon has subscribed for 77,974,320 ordinary shares in Tobin Properties for approximately SEK 390 million through the share issue, of which 74,063,169 ordinary shares through subscription rights and 3,911,151 ordinary shares without subscription rights.
After registration of the share issue, Dagon owns approximately 92.4 per cent of the share capital and approximately 93.0 per cent of the votes in Tobin Properties, corresponding to 114,285,545 ordinary shares and 18,378 Class A preference shares. Klövern intends to come back with information regarding the issue of compulsory acquisition procedure.
Klövern AB (publ)
For additional information, please contact:
Rutger Arnhult, CEO, +46 (0)70-458 24 70, rutger.arnhult@klovern.se
Lars Norrby, IR, +46 (0)76-777 38 00, lars.norrby@klovern.se
Klövern is a real estate company committed to working closely with customers to offer them attractive premises in growth regions. Klövern is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For further information, see kelly.corem.se.
Klövern AB (publ), Bredgränd 4, 111 30 Stockholm. Phone: +46 (0)10-482 70 00. E-mail: info@klovern.se.
This information is information that Klövern AB is obliged to publish under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was made available for publication, through the abovementioned contact persons, at 17:15 CEST on 27 May 2019.
This is a translation of the original Swedish language press release. In the event of discrepancies, the original Swedish wording shall prevail.