Adcore Publishes Merger Conclusions
In June this year, Connecta and Information Highway merged, forming the new group Adcore. Since then, a great deal has happened, both within Adcore and the world in which it operates. The corporation has grown both in terms of breadth and depth, to an employee headcount of 1,900 in 13 countries.
International mergers and acquisitions put corporations’ abilities to nurture their corporate cultures, profitability and steer a clear course to the test. Many failures are well known.
Adcore has attempted to learn from professionals’ and other corporations’ experiences of mergers and internationalisation processes. The key observations and conclusions have been collated in a report: The Lessons of Internationalisation (Adcore Digital Insights # 1)
This report is founded on meetings with 1,200 Adcore professionals Europe-wide in the merger process. The report can be downloaded from or is available to order from tel. +46 (0) 8 635 8000.
Stockholm, 12 December 2000
Adcore AB (publ)