Adcore modifies operational management


Adcore is consolidating the management resources of its Business, Interactive & Technology (BIT) consulting activities. The operational responsibility for BIT operations will be divided into two, one part for activities in Sweden and the other for all other operations. Adcore’s dual intention is to enhance the corporation’s prospects of implementing its European strategy, while also focusing on its domestic market. This change does not affect Adcore’s strategy consulting activities.

Martin Hauge, now COO of Adcore Denmark, has been appointed to head up all activities outside Sweden, while Sten Wranne, currently Vice President of Adcore Sweden AB, will retain his present role. As a consequence of this change, Sten Wranne and Martin Hauge will join Adcore’s group management.

Jan Maelum, who formerly headed up Adcore’s BIT activities, will move on to a new position, consolidating the group’s Swedish operation. At the same time Mr Maelum leave the Adcore´s group management. Mr Maelum explains: “In this brief period as COO of our BIT side, I’ve missed the pulse of each country’s operations. I felt I’d moved too far away from clients and at the same time the daily business that drives our consultants operations”

His new position will imply Mr. Maelum supporting the Swedish management, on sales, management and other issues.

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