Corporate Governance |
On 25 March 2021 Rutger Arnhult left Klövern’s Board of Directors and his position as CEO. Peeter Kinnunen, Head of Transactions, has been appointed acting CEO by the Board of Directors.
Corporate governance in Klövern is long term and defines the decision-making system used by the owners, directly and indirectly, to manage the company and its risks.
The design of Klövern’s corporate governance, management and control is based on legislation, the regulatory framework of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, the Articles of Association, other external guiding documents and recommendations and internal guiding documents such as the business plan, policies and attestation rules.
The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance
The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are listed on a regulated market in Sweden. The code is a complement to legislation and other regulations. It is intended to provide relevant and effective corporate governance. The Code is not mandatory although an explanation is required in the event of a decision to depart from it according to the principle “comply or explain”.